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Love your hopeful realism. This situation we find ourselves in as Americans is not unexpected after Trumps first term, his first coup, and his last three+years of staging a confederacy styled power grab in which his MAGA base became a secession movement not in one region of the country, but imbedded in the entire country like a guerrilla force living among the civilians.

The stress of Trump’s seditious interference in Biden’s presidency, the legislative branch, and the courts has been enabled by unbound treachery in the courts, in state legislatures, election denialism was allowed to walk right up to the line of sedition, and the DOJ was frozen in place for reasons I still cannot discern. It certainly appeared to me to be the result of naive wishful thinking, my least acceptable justification for not charging Trump within a few months of January 6th.

DOJ was constitutionally weak and bordering on undemocratic to arrest and try the capital insurrectionists without holding Trump accountable for conspiring and inciting the crime. If anything proved that he was above the law it was how the DOJ stalled and stayed silent. By the time the instigators and conspirators started being investigated many Americans believed that JUSTICE DELAYED IS JUSTICE DENIED.

That was proof enough to make Americans doubt the validity of our justice system, rule of law, and democracy itself. Trump’s ability to become a shadow president delegitimized our processes and the Supreme Court stepped into the breech, with corruption and partisan bias that further degraded our democracy.

And Donald Trump virtually commandeered the congress and ran it like a MAGA CULT inside the House. Biden was the bravest person in his administration, most of the rest were cowards. It was a miracle he got as much done as he did.

Kamala Harris is a good choice, but the rot of sedition and insurrection is alive and well. I admit that I’m terrified about the next few weeks, I think it’s entirely possible that the election disruption and political violence may start before Election Day, and prevent Election Day itself from being safe and free from actual violent attacks at polls, or bomb threats that disrupt and polling places are forced to close.

Half of this country’s voters are no longer concerned about democratic freedoms, they have decided they prefer raw power of white privilege, with underclasses designated as not eligible for full rights of white citizens, or Christians, or men. I wish this wasn’t true but 45% of voters are indicating that for them it’s what they will choose, and even fight for.

The vast inequality of wealth, the predation of unbridled capitalism on significant numbers of our population is changing any sense of fairness or equality or justice. Most of what Americans believed has been proven to many to be a scam.

I don’t feel this way, but I feel that the loss of the guardrails of ethics, of fealty, of civic responsibility, and the loss of trust of our political institutions is very hard to overcome, and the corruption is fearless and enabled by the media and wealthy corporate class who unfortunately think they have this collapse of governance norms well in hand and will not affect them.

I’m crossing my fingers, will be grateful to be wrong, and will cast my vote as soon as I get my ballot. Vote blue has been my choice for 50 of my 70 years, I’ll do it again.

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