22 hrs agoLiked by Ben Ulansey

Octavia Butler illustrated the risk even earlier with her novel The Parable of the Sower. The America in her book was the America with democracy as we knew it, before plunging into authoritarianism in a single voting cycle when a strongman-type was elected on the campaign motto, "Make America Great."

She wrote that story in 1993.

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I'd never heard that before! That's fascinating. Sounds every bit as prophetic as The Simpsons. I can still never quite get over the fact that they actually predicted his presidency back in the 2000s or so. Scary how accurate that "Make America Great" prediction turned out to be. Thanks so much for reading, Carly.

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It's funny and awesome that The Simpsons actually is quite an accurate and astute voice of contemporary culture.

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Is he the one who thinks Canada turns on giant taps so we can have water?

Then HELL NO!!

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He’s also the “windmills cause cancer” orange felon dude! Amen lol. Are you in the states yourself?

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23 hrs agoLiked by Ben Ulansey

Great article, Ben! Since you end with the metaphor of "snapping in two," you might be interested in Robert Reich's prophetic 2008 lecture called "How Unequal Can America Get Before We Snap?" As early as 2008, Reich was already predicting for us a choice between "snap break" (breakdown of democracy) or "snap back" (restoring democracy by addressing inequality). He even predicted the rise of an authoritarian populist like Trump. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCu-XnVxhfk

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I don't agree with everything Reich says, but he has his moments that are borderline prophetic! One of the moments that really bugged me with him was when he put out that video in 2018 or so laying out all of the ways that Trump could realistically be removed from power. At the time, it got me hopeful, but in retrospect it seemed like fantasy thinking. I think the video's now even been scrubbed from YouTube!

Anyway, thanks so much for reading and sharing that! That was a great lecture.

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“Is Donald Trump the leader we deserve?”

After many years of talking to Americans, yes. Absolutely. The overwhelming majority of the American public deserves nothing less than the magnificent splendor that is Donald fucking Trump.

Everything Americans say and do, from not knowing elementary school geography, to the complete lack of moral standards, to their complete disregard for basic hygiene, says that someone like Trump fits their political views like a glove on OJ Simpson’s hand.

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Sooo… my primary focus is German resistance during the Shoah. Starting, but not ending, with a group of college students and adults who worked with them, calling their efforts White Rose.

In their very first leaflet, June 1942, they wrote, “ Do not forget that every nation deserves the government that it endures.”

Throughly six published and one unpublished leaflet, they returned to this theme.

In the second leaflet, following Hans Scholl’s highbrow and intellectual arguments, Alexander Schmorell wrote these words:

<< And he must not merely feel pity – no, much more: He must share in the guilt. It is his apathetic conduct that gives these sinister people the possibility to carry out their deeds. He tolerates this “government” that has incurred such infinite guilt. Yes, he is even guilty himself that this government come could into existence!

Each man wishes to be acquitted of his complicity – everyone does so, then lies back down to sleep with a calm, clear conscience. But he may not acquit himself. Everyone is guilty, guilty, guilty! >>

So, hell to the yes!



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Excellent post. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

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Hell NO!!!💩🤡🤪🤬

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In case it wasn't clear from the title, I'm very much in the Kamala camp lol.

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He is if he can change the course of a hurricane with a Sharpie. I hear he also has an inside track on the giant Canadian faucet that’s like the size of a building so he’s going to have them turn that on(that takes a whole day) and take care of California’s water problems. So we got that going for us…..which is nice!

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Who’s we?

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In case you couldn’t tell from the title and turned away from the piece, I’m a firm Kamala supporter.

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Me too. 💙

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