Sep 2Liked by Ben Ulansey

Well said, I wish I had the command of the written word laced with the humility you do sir. I usually devolve (in my head) to a lowest common denominator of fury. That even counting to ten doesn’t seem to help. And in this current political climate it seems even worse. It would surely send our forefathers into seizures if they saw what’s been occurring in their name. Heavy sigh 😔

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Thanks so much for the kind words, Mark! It’s hard not to lose it sometimes, but writing does help. Otherwise I might just go into a blind spiral of rage and denial hahaha.

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Sep 4Liked by Ben Ulansey

Excellent points. I feel like both Harris & Walz are really trying to avoid most of the mudslinging & ugliness that’s dominated politics in this country for so long, which is a sweet change of pace. And I certainly don’t fault the founders of this country for not foreseeing the current insanity, because I remember thinking that at least republicans in Congress would be there to rein Trump in as recently as 2016 myself. I really hope they can get it together for the sake of this country, but sometimes I think he’s the logical conclusion to what “conservatism” has become in the US

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I also think that he’s a better representation of our country at large than Biden or Obama ever was. He’s the perfect embodiment of our ills, and is likely the leader that we deserve.

A controversial opinion of mine is that we really ought to stop revering our founding documents. They’ve gotten us far, but clearly those horse-riding, slave-owning, musket-carrying forefathers weren’t exactly prophetic. I don’t know we’d be better off outright writing a new one, but it’s hard to overstate the problems that can emerge from just about no one understanding the language of our most essential founding documents.

Thanks for reading, Kim!

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