I have a Meta Quest 3 (MQ3), and acquired it before I had fully explored the many apps it offered on MQ2, because I always want the 'new' stuff. I don't use it except for the massive exercise library if offers, and it encouraged me to exercise every day listening to sets of those thousands of available tunes. I did 'ride' on their virtual roller coasters, and, if you go for the bad boys get ready to pucker, because they are almost like the real ones. They are so 'real' a side effect of one or two was nausea. I mentioned the other apps, many of which are video games, which I've never been very good at. As I mentioned there are lots of others, like meditation apps, which are great, etc. The 3D in the third version is head and shoulders better than in MQ2. Bottom line: I am very happy with this VR rig. The scenics are fantastic, and I'm looking forward to the next iteration. At some point I suppose I need to sell my MQ2 first. Thanks for the article on Apple's VR. I'm an Apple guy, but I can wait until the prices come down significantly before I buy one. From what you write Apple should have waited to offer it to the public.

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I admire you persevering with it! I struggled with both the Vision Pro, PSVR, and the lone experience I had with Meta Quest. I've been impressed with the tech in every case, but it's definitely not for the faint of hear! My dad could hardly wear the PSVR helmet for more than five minutes. I'm curious to see where the tech is in the next few years, but so far it's been just a tad too cumbersome and side effect heavy for even this Gen Z video game enthusiast hahaha. Thanks for reading, Mike!

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