I wrote a response to your story, Ben. You bring up some deep thoughts here.


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Just about to call it for the night but will read over it tomorrow! Thanks for letting me know!

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Amazing article and I am so glad it came to me today.

I’m an advanced beginner with AI and I love it. I’ve had some great conversations with ChatGPT about loads of things.

And I gave it my attempt at feelings I was having about my work’s path as I age. I wanted to add it to a character’s story.

What I got back made me cry.

Therefore, I love my AI and hope we can continue to grow together.

I appreciate your thoughts and will subscribe.

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoAuthor

I have my fears about it continuing to grow beyond where it is already truthfully! I do use it frequently myself and have had some pretty interesting conversations, but I think that the singularity is a very realistic concern and we may not be far from artificial general intelligence now. I'm happy declaring a moratorium on AI progress personally!

Thanks for reading, Marylee!

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Kind of like not wanting our town or city to grow. Keep it where it is now. Too bad we can’t optin for the “classic” model!!

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I love the color palette metaphor, Ben, although AI is getting better at painting those word colors. Brilliant article, as usual.

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It's improving, but not as fast as I feared! I'm still a little surprised by the leaps and bounds I see in image generation. What I've seen in the world of text generation doesn't seem to exhibit comparably huge strides. A year and a half ago, I thought we'd be further by now. But hopefully I'm not jinxing it hahaha. Thanks for reading, Mike!!

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ChatGPT just released several programs designed specifically to defeat any AI detectors, as well as human observation. They build grammatically incorrect statements within the body of the text, as well as the occasional misspelled word. In other words, "If it ain't perfect, it can't be AI."

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I'd take the first paragraph and post it on Notes to tease people.

"As a child, I sat with a palette of paint at my disposal and attempted to mix as many colors as I could manage. With eager eyes, I watched as vibrant colors combined on the page. As more and more began to meld into one, I stared at the resultant conglomeration, confused. The more shades I added to the mix, the less interesting it became. The identity of each was lost in a dull monotony. “How can such a varied array of color result in something so bland?” I wondered."

Was interviewed (will share more soon) on the exact topic and the dangers of AI (in writing).

The color palette metaphor is great, my toddler says, as he loves playing with colors

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Glad I got toddler approval!! And that's a great recommendation. Just went ahead and did that!

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